
Wickhamford, Worcestershire

This page provides a direct link to the village of Wickhamford on OpenStreetMap. It also tells you how you can improve the map.

View larger Map.

What is OpenStreetMap?

OpenStreetMap a worldwide map built by volunteers. It emphasizes local knowledge. Its contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and other sources to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date. OpenStreetMap is open data: you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors.

You can learn more and view the map through its own website at www.openstreetmap.org. The data is used in many other applications including the OpenMap App used on tablets, the Cycle Map, and other specialist maps.

How can I improve the map?

Support your community and check that the map is as accurate and helpful as possible. Although anybody may edit the map, you may prefer to send your comments to one of the volunteers working on Wickhamford by emailing editor@badsey.net.

If you suggest changes -

  • Please zoom into the area that concerns you, and view the map at its largest scale to make sure your suggestion has not already been included.
  • Describe your suggested change as clearly as possible and make it clear that you are talking about Wickhamford.

Finding an address in Wickhamford

Go into OpenStreetMap and search for 'Hodys Place' or '8 Wickham Close' or 'Sunnyside, Wickhamford', or something similar.

More about Wickhamford

Updated 15 January 2014. Contact email: Editor@Badsey.net