Historical records for
and people
Wars I & II
External links

Wickhamford fruit stall - an article tells the history
of stalls on Pitchers Hill
The latest articles
Church Wardens 1663 -1790
and 1840 - 2015. Unlike the vicars, church wardens were usually local men born in the
village. Val Harman and Tom Locke have an ongoing project to find out
more about them and tell their stories.
Wickhamford church bell and its journey in 1686 from the Begley Bell Foundry in Evesham.
Wickhamford Banns (1826-1919).
1939 Electoral Register. Details of the village population in 1939 when the Government drew up a National Register within weeks of the outbreak of the Second World War.
Dr Heath of Longdon Hill. A local G.P. who lived in the village.
Wickhamford School. About a proposal to build a school in the village in 1915.

The cottages in
this picture once stood on the site now occupied by Hody's Place on
Manor Road in Wickhamford. In 2014 local artist Ian Gibson painted this
impression of the cottages. More information...
Buildings and places
Life in Wickhamford
and vicars

Top picture: Cottages demolished to build Hody's
Upper Middle: Idiens family at Wickhamford Manor.
Middle: Norris Haines, chauffeur.
Lower Middle: Elias Charles Walters with a horse. Bottom: Jack Haines, England footballer.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Wickhamford residents of
1911 - a photographic archive
on from the transcription of the 1911
census for Wickhamford, we are trying to obtain photographs of as many of the
259 residents recorded as possible. Such images can be from
the time of the census, from an earlier date or later in life. If you
have any photographs that could be included please let us know on wickhamford@badsey.net

View larger map. To find an
address, search for 'Hodys Place' or '8 Wickham Close' or 'Sunnyside,
Wickhamford' or something similar. See also historical
maps of Wickhamford. |